A life is full of conversations: Long, short, boring, exciting, irritating, inspiring, welcome …  unwelcome.  

Then there are the conversations we carry on in our heads. 

Therapy is a healing conversation. 

And it’s not all talk!  

Living our lives from one experience to the next, we may often need to hide our true feelings about things — even from ourselves. And there’s often a cost: emotional discomfort or distress we don’t quite understand, and can’t quite explain.  

So a healing conversation is about touching into the heart of the matter: The feelings we carry beneath the day-to-day of emotional struggle.  

These feelings are our emotional compass.

Connecting to this emotional compass is a fresh experience of ourselves in the midst of life. It helps us sense into, and orient to, our true direction. And change what we now see we can change.

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That’s what a healing conversation is about.  

I imagine that what brought you to this page is emotional struggle or pain … and the hope for change. Whether your struggle is with the murk of depression, the churn of anxiety, tangled relationships, gender questions, or the twists and turns of your life-path, I hope you will find these pages helpful. Browse around! They give a sense of how I work, think – and even, to a degree, how I sound.  

Because choosing a therapist is such a complex and personal process, I offer a free full-length initial consultation, by phone or HIPAA-compliant video platform. If you feel I’m not the right person for you, I am happy to be a resource, and help by seeking a good referral.

We work without fast-forwarding past the hard parts – but without losing precious time.

    A healing conversation is:
  • Confidential
  • Respectful of you, the client – your boundaries, sensitivities, and values
  • Central to an alliance that allows you to bring up whatever comes up – including annoyance with your therapist! Knowing your feelings and opinions will be respected
  • Helps you to become curious about yourself
  • Challenges you in a good way
  • Helps you see new aspects of yourself and your situation
  • Provides response and genuine feedback, not silence.
  • Helps you hone skills in self-observation that will serve for a lifetime





Life Path Issues


Writers, Artists, & Performing Artists





Chronic Illness

Couples Therapy



